Another Planning Application for Land at Mill Road

Railway cutting land at Mill Road, Epsom, now mostly behind green hoardings, is the subject of another planning application. 18/00271/FUL proposes 31 units in a serious of blocks, with associated parking. The area to the north of the site is retained as a wildlife sanctuary (where there are badger setts and other wildlife). Comments must be submitted to the council by 13th October.
On the face of it, these latest proposals seem more acceptable than either the large family homes, the student accommodation, or houses of multiple occupancy, which have been submitted in the past. The site was sold off by British Rail in 2009.
Residents have expressed concern over the bulk of the three and four storey blocks, lack of parking, loss of on street parking, loss of trees, overlooking and overdevelopment. Provisions for the wildlife trust which would need to created to manage the sanctuary are not clear at the present time. Some residents don't want the site developed at all.
Comments can be sent online via the planning portal, or to or by letter to the Head of Planning at the Town Hall. The plans are likely to go to the Planning Committee in either December or January.