Consultation on development of Upper High Street, Depot Road and Church Street
The borough council's "Plan E" published in April 2011 identifies land in Upper High Street, Depot Road and Church Street as suitable for development. Plan E envisaged the site being developed for a range of uses, including a foodstore and housing, as well as car parking.
The Council is now consulting residents and businesses about its Development Brief for this site, which has significant potential for the economic vitality and viability of the Town Centre. There are several different options for spreading the various uses across the site area.
The consultation document can be viewed at the Town Hall or at the Library in the Ebbisham Centre. It is also available on the council's website and can be accessed by clicking here.
You can either have your say on-line using the council's Consultation Portal or by e-mail as well as by post.
The closing date for comments is 5pm on Friday 3 February 2012.