Controversial Plans for Aldi Store in Alexandra Road

Aldi have submitted a planning application to the borough council for a new store and 6 flats on the site formerly occupied by Dairy Crest in Alexandra Road.
Full details are available on the council's website, searching "Alexandra Road" in the current planning applications section.
Scores of objections have been posted online, most involving the hazardous road network (shown in the photograph). There is also concern that 65 car parking spaces isn't sufficient, evidenced by queues which cause congestion at other stores because of lack of parking capacity. A statement by Aldi seems to suggest that they wish to provide an alternative to Asda and Sainsbury, but these stores have hundreds of car parking spaces attached to them.
It's not all bad though. There are expressions of support but almost entirely from residents who don't live in the immediate vicinity. Conversations with residents seems to suggest that most are in favour of a store and an Aldi store, but not at this location.
Aldi dropped 6278 leaflets to residents, achieved a 15% response rate (940) and of those 56% supported the proposals, leaving 44% either neutral or objecting.
Views can be submitted to the borough council online or in writing. 25th January is the date by which the council would like you to send in your views. Contact Julie Morris on 01372 744297 or for more information