Epsom & Ewell will join Tourism South East
A proposal from Epsom & Ewell's Liberal Democrat councillors that the borough should join Tourism South East (TSE) has been successful. Cllr Anna Jones is delighted that her proposal, which had first been discussed by the Environment Committee, then the whole Council and then the Leisure Committee, has now received broad support.
At a meeting on 1st November, a presentation from Tourism South East was given to members of the Leisure Committee, who heard that for £456 the council could join the scheme until the end of March. The subscription for the next financial year has not yet been agreed by TSE. Tourism South East offers opportunities to publicise the attractions of Epsom and Ewell: from events taking place, the theatre, museum, Epsom Downs, Epsom Common SSSI, local hotels and B&B's. Their website is designed to boost trade and attendance and is complemented by a booklet produced by Guildford Borough Council that can include promotional material from all those boroughs who are members. TSE information filters into international publications and news media.
Cllr Jones said "We have so much to offer here and with other Surrey boroughs already members of the scheme, it was long overdue that Epsom and Ewell council should join. We had to take action now as we can't afford to miss out on revenue generated by people visiting for the 2012 Olympics and income generation is such an important part of economic recovery."