Epsom residents sign up to Fairtrade

Over 650 residents have petitioned in support of the proposal that Epsom & Ewell should become a Fairtrade town. The Epsom and Ewell Fairtrade Forum set up by Councillor Jonathan Lees is actively working towards obtaining this status for the Borough. A "Fairtrade Town" can include any community that has made a commitment to supporting Fair Trade, consequently supporting disadvantaged farmers and workers in developing countries. There are now over 100 Fairtrade Towns in the U.K. The Epsom and Ewell Fairtrade Forum represents all those residents who would like to join them in meeting a few achievable targets.
As part of the campaign, the group made up of various churches, businesses and individuals had a tasting stand in Epsom town centre on Saturday 12th March. All the names on the petition were put into a prize draw for a hamper of Fairtrade wine, cake and chocolate, donated by the Co-op in support of the campaign.
On offer were a delicious range of free fairly traded tea, coffee or hot chocolate, with marshmallows, orange juice, cereal bars, chocolate pieces, homemade flapjacks, tea bread and chocolate brownies. Next to the table laden with fair trade goodies was a giant beach-front style cartoon board, which people could put their heads through and have their photos taken, as a way of petitioning for Epsom to become a Fairtrade Town.
Cllr Jonathan Lees commented: "When you buy coffee that isn't Fairtrade, the growers may be on or below the poverty line - with fairly traded goods you can help guarantee them a better deal. There was an excellent turnout on Saturday, which was a real reflection of local people's concern and support for this initiative. Let's hope that the RA Party will take note of this expression of support and back local residents efforts to work towards becoming a Fairtrade Town".
To find out more, or to offer your support for Epsom & Ewell to become a Fairtrade Town, contact Cllr Jonathan Lees at jmeilees@yahoo.co.uk, (tel 07801 432459) or Esther Smitheram at esther.smitheram@generation.org.uk, (tel 0208 786 8221).