First SHLAA Site Comes up for Grabs
Railway cutting land off Mill Road, Epsom, is the first of the borough council's identified sites for housing (some 18 in total) to become the subject of a planning application, though recent press coverage has featured another site - the Organ Inn PH in Ewell.
SHLAA was the council's strategic housing land area assessment, which looked at various sites throughout the borough and considered their suitability for housing. The council has housing targets set by central government which it must meet over the coming years.
The land, in private ownership, is 1.2 acres scrub and regenerating woodland, only a small part of which has ever been used - as allotments for railway workers during the Second World War. The planning application (12/00448/FUL) involves 10 dwellings and the creation of a Wildlife Trust for local residents to keep a part of the land as wildlife habitat.
21 documents have been lodged with the borough council including a lengthy and detailed environmental impact assessment because the area is thought to be habitat of badgers, common lizards and bats, amongst other flora and fauna.
The closing date for residents to send in views has been extended to 31st August. The application is likely to be heard by the Planning Committee in October.
For more information contact any of your local councillors.