Formal Opening of Southfield Park Primary School
The official opening ceremony of Southfield Park Primary School in Long Grove Road, Epsom will be performed on 30th April 2004 by the chairman of Surrey County Council, Mrs Sheila Gruselle. Because so many new houses are planned to be built on the former hospital sites nearby, this new school is being built now to help provide sufficient places for Primary age children, rather than waiting until a shortage develops, as has happened at Secondary age.
The school opened to pupils in September 2003. Initially they are using the adjacent building, which will later become a day nursery. Work on the new building next to Long Grove Park is almost complete and the new facilities are expected to be in use immediately after Easter.
This new purpose-built school will benefit from the latest developments in educational architecture. It will have a computer suite and a library, in addition to a full range of up-to-date resources supporting all areas of the curriculum. Each year 30 children can join the Reception class. At full strength the school will cater for boys and girls from five to eleven years old, with children starting in the year in which they will become five.
Cllr. Colin Taylor is a founder member of the governing body formed to support the new school. The other members are Stephanie Smith, Rev. Andrew Facey, Cllr. Jean Steer, Melanie Lees, Cllr. Vince Romagnuolo, Rachel Jervis, Julia Kirkland, teacher Kerry Theobald and headteacher Jane Fairbourn. The school also has a teaching assistant, office staff and a caretaker and has recently recruited a second teacher to start work in September. Vacancies exist for mid-day play leaders.