Horton Chapel Open Day 22nd October

In advance of the formation of a Community Development Trust (CDT), an open day is to be held at Horton Chapel on Saturday 22nd October, 12noon - 3pm.
Residents of Clarendon Park, Manor Park, Livingstone Park and Parkviews will all receive a personal letter from the borough council's Chief Executive Frances Rutter, inviting them to come to the event and bring their ideas. Securing uses for the Chapel is a vital part of establishing a viable CDT and the Trustees must be certain that further investment (there's already some money available from the borough council) is worthwhile.
As well as Ms Rutter's letter, it is planned to advertise the event locally. She was asked by Lib Dem councillors at a meeting of the Strategy & Resources committee on 27th September how the event would be promoted. Banners will be erected. The press will be contacted. There will be a welcoming party inside the Chapel and whiteboards will be available on which visitors can write ideas and give comments. We are not sure about refreshments - perhaps bring your own flask!
Horton Chapel and the outstanding planning issues on both Livingstone and Manor Park estates have been top priority for the Lib Dems for some years. A report presented to the S & R committee is available on the council's website www.epsom-ewell.gov.uk by looking at the agenda contents of the S & R meeting on 27.9.11. Labour councillors representing Court ward, in which Horton Chapel is located, didn't attend the meeting.