Parking Anarchy - The beginning of the end
In answer to yet another question from Cllr Colin Taylor about enforcement of on-street parking, it has finally been confirmed that a Warden employed by Epsom & Ewell BC has at last started work booking anti-social parkers who abuse yellow lines.
For the time being this is being done under Police powers, with the warden acting as a police Community Support Officer. The permanent solution under Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE) will not start before April 2005.
Colin Taylor said "Surrey Police gave the 2 councils (Surrey and Epsom & Ewell) sufficient notice to have their DPE scheme in place by April 2004 - and they were well aware that the government would take at least a year to process their application."
"Even so, Epsom & Ewell's ruling RA Party were unable to decide between three options for DPE until September 2003. I pressed for an answer before the May 2003 elections, but the issue was brushed aside. Further time was then wasted whilst the 2 councils argued how to share the costs. The upshot is that DPE wardens will be a year late arriving in Epsom - and local residents have had to put up with the unchecked selfish behaviour of a few thoughtless anti-social parkers causing chaos in Epsom town centre and other congested streets."
He added "I would like to emphasise that in no way do I blame the present chairman of EEBC's Environment Committee (who had not even been elected as a councillor when the problem was caused) nor SCC's current Executive Member for Transportation (who was a back-bencher at the time) nor are the front line council officers involved responsible. It has been caused back in 2002 and 2003, mainly by a lack of political will by the RA leaders in the Town Hall, compounded by a delay in giving clear political direction by the Tory administration at County Hall."
However, it is clear that from now on those ignoring yellow lines in Epsom & Ewell are again at risk of getting a "Ticket" for a hefty fine.