Residents' Party position on Hospital unclear
Liberal Democrats take issue with Cllr Natalie Rogers' recent statement that there is a "successful, multi-party, Epsom Hospital Campaign group".
The reality is that it is far from being multi-party and does not permit any borough councillors from the Labour or Liberal Democrat parties to attend its meetings. A further reality is that Cllr Rogers is trying to mislead the electorate into believing that she is the voice of the whole borough council, which she is not. Moreover she is withholding communications about the hospital in order to exploit the issue for party-political gain. She also seems to be using the council's press office to serve inappropriate ends.
For years the party in control of our borough council sat on the fence on the hospital issue. Now it is rabidly attempting to get all the publicity it can by excluding the other elected members of the council. Her perceived leadership role is only sustainable (and potentially vote winning) if no other political parties are involved.
The Liberal Democrat invitation to cross-party talks was designed to overcome this sort of unprofessional conduct.