Rosebery school - Planning appeal rejected

A government Inspector has rejected the appeal by Rosebery School against the borough council's refusal of changes to the conditions of the planning permission for its sports hall and all weather sports pitch. The school wanted to allow public use out of school hours, including flood lighting of the outdoor sports pitch.
These facilities were built using money obtained by selling the remainder of the school field for housing, now known as Dalmeny Way.
Originally the planning application included public use of the sports hall and all weather pitch out of school hours, but this was removed from the proposal following public opposition. When the original application was granted on appeal, the then Inspector added conditions preventing such use.
The appeal was rejected on the basis of disturbance from use of the sports hall to residents in Ebbisham Road plus, ironically, disturbance from use of the floodlit outdoor sports pitch to residents in Dalmeny Way, the housing estate built to fund these facilities.