Save your Postage Stamps
Years ago, there always seemed to be a local organisation wanting used postage stamps but there are still ways of recycling them.
All stamps are recyclable, but commemorative and foreign stamps are particularly in demand. First day covers and special editions are also recyclable. When saving stamps, cut around them leaving a half inch border and separate stamps if possible into UK and foreign. Charities sell stamps to dealers and they are usually bought by weight (one kilo) and the money goes to fund projects.
Royal National Institute of Blind People collect stamps. They receive about £3 per kilo for British stamps and about £12 for a kilo of foreign stamps. Send them to RNIB Stamp Recycling, PO Box 185, Benfleet, SS7 9BH.
Stamps can also be sent to help the RSBP Save the Albatross campaign at RSPB Stamps, PO Box 6198, Leighton Buzzard LU7 9XT.
Both organisations suggest sending in stamps in quantity, rather than singly, so wait until about they weigh about 1 kilo - which is probably quite a few stamps!