Steve Dixon fights Nonsuch By-election on October 6th

Steve Dixon is the Liberal Democrat candidate for the by-election in Nonsuch ward on Thursday 6th October. He has lived in the ward for the last 17 years. He is married and has two teenage children attending local schools. Steve also works locally, running his own firm of Actuarial Consultants based in Epsom. Steve Dixon believes passionately in the local community and the Borough of Epsom & Ewell and has recently challenged both the Council and the Government about the sell-off of school playing fields.
Some of Steve's priorities are:
- PRIOR CONSULTATION on contentious planning issues, rather than allowing them to come as a surprise to residents, like PRIEST HILL, EWELL COURT HOUSE and CHERRY ORCHARD NURSERY;
- PROTECTING GREEN OPEN SPACES such as school playing fields. Steve led the LIB Dem challenge to the sale of Rosebery School playing fields. Once lost they would be gone for ever;
- RECYCLING WASTE: We still have a long way to go to meet Government targets and lag far behind most of the rest of Surrey;
- EPSOM HOSPITAL: Lobbying for Epsom Hospital to have a viable future, especially A&E and maternity - we cannot leave it to our MP;
- OPENING UP THE COUNCIL: Liberal Democrats continue to fight for residents to have the right to ask questions at Council meetings. This is still opposed by our RA controlled council.
The Liberal Democrats are the official opposition on the Borough Council. We have more Councillors than the Conservatives and the Labour Party put together. The last local by-election in March 2005 was won by the Liberal Democrats.
People have realised that the RA party which still leads the Council is out of touch with local residents, as demonstrated by the proposed sale of Ewell Court House, the lack of traffic wardens, failure to tackle parking and traffic problems in Epsom town centre and the proposals to sell the Upper High Street car-park to a supermarket developer.
The Liberal Democrats led the challenge in the planning committee to reject a phone mast in a public park. We chair the Nonsuch Park joint management committee, showing that we can be trusted and we are effective.
Nonsuch ward needs an effective Councillor who will work as part of a team - a team that will make this council account for its actions - a team with policies that put people first.
Nonsuch ward needs a strong voice at the Town Hall. Nonsuch ward needs STEVE DIXON.