Surrey Police Seven Point Plan
The Surrey Police Authority has recently approved a seven point plan for Surrey Police in order to address their anticipated funding shortfall over the next three years to increase front-line police officers and further improve policing. This initiative has been supported by the Lib Dem members of the Police Authority.
The Seven Point Plan is to:
1 Provide extra resources to reduce anti-social behaviour, drug supply and to tackle serious and cross border criminality.
2 Place neighbourhood policing teams in the buildings of local organisations such as Borough and District Councils to ensure more joined up working on issues such as anti-social behaviour.
3 Replace outdated, expensive and poorly used police buildings with joint buildings that provide more and better access for the public. However, no stations will be closed or sold until better solutions are put in place.
4 Remove about 50 senior police posts (one third of the total number) over a three year period.
5 Reorganise investigation and emergency response to improve the service for the public.
6 Reduce non-operational costs by simplifying the management structure and reducing the number of buildings to put more resources towards front-line policing.
7 Recruit up to 200 extra constables by April 2012.
A commitment has been given that these changes will be subject to local consultation and the oversight of the Police Authority.