Town centre parking and traffic survey

Earlier this year, local Lib Dem councillors carried out a survey about Epsom town centre traffic congestion:
1) on Sundays and in the evenings, because of on-street parking;
2) in High Street West (the Clock Tower end) and South Street.
Residents were asked if they would like to see:
- Double yellow lines to restrict parking in South Street, one or both sides;
- Double yellow lines to restrict parking in the High Street, one or both sides;
- Parking restrictions remaining as they are;
- Investigation of an alternative traffic scheme.
Nearly 800 survey forms were completed. However not everyone answered all the questions.
The results were:
- 47% support double yellow lines both sides,
- 26% support double yellow lines one side,
- 9% support double yellow lines, without specifying one or both sides,
- 11% prefer no change,
- 7% gave no answer.
- 42% support double yellow lines both sides,
- 14% support double yellow lines one side,
- 9% support double yellow lines, without specifying one or both sides,
- 11% prefer no change,
- 24% gave no answer.
- 56% support investigation,
- 9% prefer no change,
- 35% gave no answer.
- 82% support restrictions in South Street,
- 65% support restrictions in the High Street,
- 56% support investigating the traffic scheme.
Eliminating those who did not answer the relevant question:
- 88% support restrictions in South Street,
- 85% support restrictions in the High Street,
- 86% support investigating the traffic scheme.
Councillor Colin Taylor has passed the results to Surrey Highways local office and requested action.