Lib Dems Electronic News Service
Epsom & Ewell Liberal Democrats have modernised their website and local residents can now receive news stories via email on a weekly basis by clicking on "register here".
Epsom & Ewell Liberal Democrats have modernised their website and local residents can now receive news stories via email on a weekly basis by clicking on "register here".
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council has abandoned attempts to find a sports use for part of Hook Road Arena, despite a development strategy which says it should increase provision of outdoor sports pitches and recreation.
Lib Dem Councillor Elaine Britten (Court) has criticised the borough council for the continuing delays in arriving at a plan for the use of Horton Chapel.
Porkie pies have again emerged in the latest newsletter from College Ward Residents Association who appear unable to accept with good grace that they lost the 2007 borough council elections.
County Councillor Colin Taylor and Surrey Lib Dems have welcomed the lifting of the county's freeze on Youth Service recruitment.
Cllr Alison Kelly has criticised plans to spend £450,000 on an alleyway leading from the Town Hall car park to Epsom High Street.
Surrey's Conservative-led County Council were today forced to admit that road repairs in the county were at an unacceptable level. The Liberal Democrat group had proposed a motion calling for urgent action to rectify the appalling state of Surrey's roads.
Liberal Democrat leader Menzies Campbell MP has unveiled plans to protect and improve our environment with a major "green tax switch".
Surrey County Council Liberal Democrats have called on the Tory-run County Council to reassure the public, following the disclosure of details highlighting the appalling service from one of Surrey's highways contractors, Carillion.
As a result of last Thursday's local elections on Woking, the Liberal Democrats have gained an additional 3 seats and taken over as the largest party on the Council, with 18 seats out of 36 total, ahead of the Conservatives on 15 and Labour on 3. They took 8 out of the 13 seats being contested this year - and narrowly missed a further gain by just two votes!
The introduction of more 20 mph zones in appropriate locations throughout Surrey moved a step closer today with the passing of a Liberal Democrat motion proposed by Cllr David Goodwin (Guildford South West) and seconded by Cllr John Doran (Horsell). This highlighted research showing that the chances of being killed as a pedestrian when hit by a vehicle double between 30 mph and 35 mph.
Months of debate came to a head today when Surrey County Council voted on the Business Delivery Review (BDR) - with the Liberal Democrat group rejecting the proposals sanctioned by the Tory-run Executive to cut staff numbers. Staff members and representatives of their trade unions listened in the public gallery and the adjoining Ashcombe Suite as Liberal Democrats fought against the proposals, which included a reduction of 561 FTE (Full Time Equivalent) jobs. A recorded vote saw 56 in favour of BDR, with 14 against and two abstentions.