New Seat appears in 24 hours!
When Christine Key, who works with the Lib Dems in College Ward, noticed a broken seat in Downside, she asked Cllr Julie Morris to report it.
When Christine Key, who works with the Lib Dems in College Ward, noticed a broken seat in Downside, she asked Cllr Julie Morris to report it.
Epsom & Ewell, Sutton and Surrey Lib Dems all played key roles in the recent defence of Nonsuch Park, threatened by Surrey County Council (SCC) Tories' plans to "dispose" of Nonsuch Mansion, amidst local concerns that Tory plans would spoil this quiet haven of peace.
Epsom & Ewell Liberal Democrats are bringing the "Hands off our Back Gardens" campaign to Epsom High Street on 17th and 18th March. Members of the public will be invited to sign a petition which will back the Lib Dem's Bill in Parliament. They will also be given a "Hands off our Back Gardens" poster to display at home.
Liberal Democrats take issue with Cllr Natalie Rogers' recent statement that there is a "successful, multi-party, Epsom Hospital Campaign group".
Leader of the opposition on Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, Liberal Democrat Cllr Jonathan Lees, attacked the budget presented by the ruling Residents' Party at a council meeting on Tuesday 20th February.
The Conservatives are distributing leaflets which blame the Lib Dems and the Residents' Party for the state of the borough's roads.
Liberal Democrats welcome the single figure increase in Council Tax and the Tories allocating £1m to key worker housing and £100,000 to improve the energy efficiency of the Council's buildings in response to Liberal Democrat initiatives. However, we oppose the way this figure has been achieved because this Conservative budget is not only a missed opportunity to improve services for Surrey's residents by cutting wasted spending by the Council, but it carries hidden risks that could lead to cuts to Council services later in the year.
At the budget meeting of Surrey County Council the Liberal Democrats proposed cuts in spending on consultants, communications and "policy initiatives" in order to fund improved services for Surrey residents.
During the last four years the Liberal Democrat councillors on Surrey County Council have worked hard to achieve the best for the people of Surrey. Of their many initiatives and achievements, the main ones are listed below:
"The Adult and Community Care Committee kept hearing about poor service caused by staffing problems," explains County Councillor Diana Smith. "So it set up a task group to look at recruitment and retention. Proper statistics were hard to come by. We eventually got figures for the reported high vacancy rates in 'front line' teams, from 18% among the essential home based care staff to 31% of highly-skilled occupational therapists. We heard of one team of occupational therapists entirely consisting of stand-ins.
Surrey County Council is planning authority for minerals and waste, and it is disposal authority for waste too. Quite confusing! In the old days Surrey would have plans for these topics. The final stage in plan preparation was the deposit draft, which would be examined in public by an Inspector. The Inspector's recommendations would be considered by the Council, who would adopt the final plan to come into force.
The Conservative administration has recently decided that potholes with a depth of less than 4 centimetres will not be treated as a high priority to be repaired within 24 hours. This latest decision is an admission that the Conservative administration cannot cope with the necessary road repairs.