High turn out for Stoneleigh Protest
A hundred or so residents turned out for the protest against the closure of the public toilets at Stoneleigh Railway Station.
Thank you to all who voted for her, and for the army of volunteers who put so much effort in.
The work starts now.
You can watch her gracious acceptance speech via this link.
A hundred or so residents turned out for the protest against the closure of the public toilets at Stoneleigh Railway Station.
Despite a call by Lib Dem county councillor Colin Taylor for a quick decision in principle, SCC Tories have voted to defer any decision on the Lib Dem proposal to return to the more democratic Committee System at County Hall. Instead the proposal will be referred to a Select Committee.
Surrey County Council has made a major commitment to protect the Green Belt, following a Liberal Democrat motion debated by the full council on 15th June.
County Council admits plan to run libraries with volunteers will not save Council Taxpayers a penny
Councillor Hazel Watson, Liberal Democrat Leader of the Opposition on Surrey County Council, has tabled the following four written questions to the Leader of the Council for the Annual General Meeting on 8 May 2012.
Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council have called on the Conservative-run administration to abandon it's ill-conceived and unpopular plans for 10 of the County's libraries to be run by "volunteers" instead of professional librarians.
Liberal Democrats believe that everyone has the right to enjoy clean, safe water and unpolluted rivers, lakes, and coastlines. We are committed to ending the national sewage scandal and holding water companies accountable for their environmental impact.
Liberal Democrats have passed new policy to stand up for bereaved families and kinship carers, so more young people can grow up in a loving, stable home.
We are committed to tackling the challenges facing our music industry head-on. By doing so, we can maintain the UK’s reputation as a global leader in music, while giving future generations the chance to share in its success.