Why do Liberal Democrats support voting “Remain in the EU”?
We believe passionately in the value of the European Union.
Thank you to all who voted for her, and for the army of volunteers who put so much effort in.
The work starts now.
You can watch her gracious acceptance speech via this link.
We believe passionately in the value of the European Union.
Myth 1: The Myth: Free trade with Europe need not mean paying EU fees.
On Thursday 23rd June we will be asked to decide: "Should the United Kingdom:
Following a question from Lib Dem County Councillor Angela Goodwin at today's Cabinet meeting, the Council confirmed it was opening several Covid19 testing centres across the county for essential workers who have no symptoms (asymptomatic).
Cllr Paul Kennedy, Liberal Democrat Candidate for Surrey's Police and Crime Commissioner, is urging residents to respond to the latest proposal by incumbent David Munro for a 5.54% increase in the police element of council tax, and is calling for better value for money for taxpayers.
Today the Tory administration at Surrey County Council used its own amendment to vote down a Lib Dem motion that would have prioritised child food poverty in Surrey. If approved, the original proposed by Cllr Fiona White and seconded by Cllr Will Forster, would have committed the Council to taking the small, albeit valuable steps of ensuring the availability of breakfast clubs at Surrey schools as well as to lobbying central government for changes to the welfare system.
We are committed to tackling the challenges facing our music industry head-on. By doing so, we can maintain the UK’s reputation as a global leader in music, while giving future generations the chance to share in its success.
The Liberal Democrats are committed to rebuilding the trust and compassion that the UK was once known for. We believe that our country has a responsibility to support those in need, no matter where they are in the world.
For too long, years of neglect and mismanagement by the previous Conservative Government have pushed our prison system into a deep crisis.