Today, within the Strategic Defence Review, the Coalition Government announced that there will be no final decision on the like-for-like replacement of Trident during this parliament. This is a significant victory for Lib Dem campaigners and a fantastic example of what our Ministers can and do achieve in government.
Each day since the General Election the Coalition Government has had to borrow an extra £400 million. That's because for every £300 coming in the government is spending £400.
Epsom's Lib Dem councillors are asking residents to comment on Surrey County Council's proposals for on-street parking across the whole of Surrey. The consultation ends on 9th November.
An informal council meeting on Monday 11th October is to look at ways of speeding up the process of renting allotments : hopefully this will mean the waiting list of 150+ can be reduced and uncultivated plots re-let much more quickly.
East Street will be closed to traffic at its junction with the High Street in Epsom for three weeks from Easter 2011. This closure is needed for Network Rail to replace the railway bridge located between this junction and Hook Road.
Surrey County Council Liberal Democrats have welcomed a new law giving councils greater powers to combat the blight of scrap metal thefts on communities across the country.
Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council are opposing moves to pay four Conservative councillors an extra £5,000 a year. Speaking in the debate today, Hazel Watson, the Leader of the Liberal Democrat opposition said:
Surrey's Conservative councillors have voted today to amend a motion from Hazel Watson, the Leader of the Liberal Democrat opposition on Surrey County Council, calling for the use of social media and the filming of meetings to "be permitted at all times, without written permission, in the public part of meetings provided it does not disturb the business of the meeting and there is sufficient space".
Commenting on the publication today of the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board's Serious Case Review into the death of Gloria Foster, Councillor Fiona White, the Liberal Democrat Opposition Spokesperson for Adult Social Care on Surrey County Council said:
National figures announced today by the Coalition Government have bought welcome news on the large number of "Troubled Families" being turned around by councils across the country, but reveal an exceptionally poor performance by Conservative controlled Surrey County Council.
A recent report issued by Surrey County Council has highlighted poor or delayed performance by its sub contractors in carrying out flood prevention work such as cleaning or unblocking road drains on Surrey's roads and emptying the Council's soakaways.
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