Recycling notebooks, files and folders
It's mostly paper, but those metal bits need some extra effort.
It's mostly paper, but those metal bits need some extra effort.
Wicker coffins are old news, but Ecopods, just what are those?
Surrey Police Authority is to hold a widespread public consultation on their plans to expand their force by about 200 new constables, paid for by cutting about 50 senior officers and relocating Police Stations to council offices and supermarkets. About 100 of the new officers would join the neighbourhood police teams of "Bobbies on the Beat". This initiative has been supported by the Lib Dem members of the Surrey Police Authority.
The Tories have published a list of 'Ten reasons to vote Conservative' which did not include any reference to the environment or climate change.
The Liberal Democrats have set out their plans to revitalise High Streets, ensure the future of the Post Office, and help small businesses establish and grow in a fairer marketplace.
Don't throw your old bras away. Donate them to the Bra Appeal.
Commenting on the announcement that Conservative run Surrey County Council expect to save £200,000 a year on road markings through a new contract, County Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Liberal Democrat spokesman on Highways and Transportation, said: "It would be very difficult to strike a deal with anyone that didn't improve on the appalling contract for Surrey highways that is about to come to an end, or not to secure better value for money
Shocking revelations by insider William Summers! Page after page of hidden truths they would rather you didn't know about.
Last minute papers tabled at the Cabinet meeting of the Conservative administration running Surrey County Council has revealed an underspend of £22.5m on the capital budget, plus a further underspend of £38.2m on its revenue budget for 2010/11, in the year ending 31 March 2011.