The Mobile Operators Association have provided the borough council with a list of sites where masts are proposed. As well as list of proposed sites, the schedule includes sites where planning permission has already been granted plus locations in the borough where masts are currently live.
Your local Lib Dem councillors have asked questions at a meeting of the council on 12th December. They want answers on the future of Livingstone Park, Clarendon Park, Manor Park and the Horton area.
Your Lib Dem councillors submitted a "motion" to council on 12th December which, if successful, would allow residents to ask questions at all council meetings. The full debate will take place at the Strategy & Resources Committee meeting on January 30th
Epsom's Lib Dem councillors have been successful in their "motion" to the Borough Council. There's more information on the council's website about recycling furniture via the British Heart Foundation.
With the Helical Bar appeal over refusal of their supermarket plans for Upper High Street now underway, Lib Dem councillors have confirmed their support for a Development Brief.
The Lib Dem group proposed a motion at the County Council meeting on 15th June to urge the Government to retain free school transport. However, the Conservative administration at County Hall refused to debate the subject in time to respond to the Government's consultation's deadline of 25th June.
The Liberal Democrat group have called on Surrey County Council's Conservative administration to allow Local Committees to run their own local Youth Services. The Lib Dems are also demanding an explanation about the budget for the Youth Service this year.
Liberal Democrats are calling on Surrey County Council to oppose government plans to remove free school transport for children in Surrey. The Government is currently consulting Councils across the country about their plans to introduce new legislation for school transport. Liberal Democrats are concerned that the removal of free transport would be a financial blow to many families and would worsen Surrey's traffic congestion problem.
The Liberal Democrats are concerned that Conservative proposals for so-called "efficiency savings" may, in practice, mean a reduction to the Council's frontline services, such as the youth service or libraries. The Lib Dems have repeatedly asked the Conservative administration to provide adequate details about their proposals but, so far, the information provided has been vague and inadequate.
At present Surrey County Council has no coherent policy towards waste at all. There are good ideas (e.g. about joint working with the districts - which should have commenced years ago), and the previous portfolio holder produced a "vision for waste". These are interesting thoughts but there is still no policy!
Hazel Watson has been chosen as the new leader of the Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council. Previously Hazel was deputy leader. Janet Maines, the previous Group Leader becomes deputy leader. At the same time, Dr. John Hobrough has been appointed as Group Chairman.
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